Sql Server 2016 Reporting Services Download


Report Builder is a stand-alone app, installed on your computer by you or an administrator. You can install it from the Microsoft Download Center, from a SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services or later (SSRS) report server, or from a SharePoint site integrated with Reporting Services.


Download the update package for Microsoft SQL Server 2016 SP1 Reporting Services now. If the download page does not appear, contact Microsoft Customer Service and Support to obtain the update package.

Reporting Services integration with SharePoint is no longer available after SQL Server 2016.

An administrator typically installs and configures Reporting Services, grants permission to download Report Builder from the web portal, and manages folders and permissions to reports, report parts, and shared datasets saved to the report server. For more information about Reporting Services administration, see Reporting Services Report Server (Native Mode).

Install Report Builder from a web portal or SharePoint library

You can start Report Builder from a Reporting Services web portal or a SharePoint site integrated with Reporting Services. For information, see Start Report Builder.

SharePoint site integrated with Reporting Services

On a SharePoint site integrated with Reporting Services, if the New Document menu does not list Report Builder Report, Report Builder Model, and Report Data Source, their content types need to be added to the SharePoint library. For more information, see Add Reporting Services Content Types to a SharePoint Library.

Install Report Builder with System Center Configuration Manager

An administrator can also use software such as System Center Configuration Manager to push the program to your computer. To learn how to use specific software to install Report Builder, consult the documentation for the software. For more information, see the System Center Configuration Manager site.


Windows Vista and Windows 7 security features require elevated permissions to run command line operations and will prompt for permission to run the command line. The installation is not silent. To make the installation silent, you need to run the command line as an administrator.

System Requirements

See the System Requirements section of the Report Builder download page on the Microsoft Download Center.

To install Report Builder from the download site

  1. On the Report Builder page of the Microsoft Download Center , click Download.

  2. After Report Builder has finished downloading, click Run.

    This launches the SQL Server Report Builder Wizard.

  3. Accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next.

  4. On the Default Target Server page, optionally provide the URL to the target report server if it is different from the default. Click Next.


    If you plan to work with Report Builder when it is connected to a report server, it is convenient to provide the URL to the server at this time. You can also do this from the Options dialog box in Report Builder.

  5. Click Install to complete the installation of Report Builder.

To install Report Builder from a share

  1. Contact your administrator for the location of ReportBuilder3.msi that you run to install Report Builder on your local computer.

  2. Browse to locate ReportBuilder3.msi, the Windows Installer Package (MSI) for Report Builder, and click it.

    This launches the SQL Server Report Builder Wizard.

  3. Complete rest of the steps in To install Report Builder from the download site.

To install Report Builder from the command line

You can also perform a command line installation of Report Builder and provide arguments to customize the installation. In addition to the standard MSI intrinsic parameters, you can use the custom parameters that Report Builder provides: RBINSTALLDIR and REPORTSERVERURL. RBINSTALLDIR specifies the root installation folder for Report Builder. REPORTSERVERURL specifies the default report server that Report Builder uses to save reports on the server.

If you want a completely silent installation, with no user interface interaction at all, specify the /quiet option. By design, the quiet option flag suppresses installation errors. It is therefore recommended that you include the /l option, which specifies logging, when you use the quiet option.

  1. On the Report Builder page of the Microsoft Download Center, click Download.

  2. After Report Builder has finished downloading, click Save.

  3. On the Start menu, click Run.

  4. In the Open box, type cmd.

  5. In the Command Prompt window, navigate to the folder where you saved ReportBuilder3.msi.

  6. Type a command with the following format:

    msiexec/i ReportBuilder3.msi /option [value] [/option [value]]

    The two options specific to installing Report Builder are: RBINSTALLDIR and REPORTSERVERURL. You don't have to include these arguments in the command line. The following is the baseline command:

    msiexec /i ReportBuilder3_x86.msi /quiet

  7. To run the command, press ENTER.

Set Report Builder defaults

  • After you install Report Builder, you can set some default options. Click File > Options.

    Setting the default Reporting Services web portal or SharePoint site is the most useful. For more information, see Set default options for Report Builder.

  • Click Report Builder .

    If you don't see the report server in the list of existing servers, close the Open Report dialog box and then click Connect at the bottom of Report Builder to connect to the server.

See Also

Start Report Builder
Uninstall Report Builder

UPDATE: Thanks for the feedback in the comments section – we’ve updated this post to include brand packages with the default color scheme (one with the Microsoft logo, and one without).
– Download the default brand package (without MSFT logo)
– Download the default brand package (with MSFT logo)

FifthSql Server 2016 Reporting Services Download

Happy Monday everyone! I know folks have been excited about being able to create custom brand packages for Reporting Services since the announcement at PASS last year. And for the past few years, basically every customer I spoke to was looking for this type of functionality. In fact, it was one of the most popular features in the standalone Datazen product. Well, today we’re pleased to announce that with the latest SQL Server release candidate, custom brand packages are now supported in Reporting Services.

Now that brand packages are supported, it’s time for you to make your own. As you’ll soon see, this is VERY easy to do. That’s because the brand package creation experience in Reporting Services has been designed so users don’t need deep css knowledge to create one. Let me show you just how easy it is.

You’ll need the following items to get started –

– Download SQL Server 2016 RC1 (Only RC1 and newer versions of SQL Server 2016 will have brand package support)
– Download a sample brand package (You can use this right away, but I doubt you’ll want to. It is ugly as sin, but there’s a reason why. Just keep reading)
– Download the finished brand package we’ve put together as we walk through this post.

This is what the final product looks like for me.

Pretty cool, huh? Let’s get started.

A brand package for Reporting Services consists of three items and is packaged as a zip file. These items are –

– A colors.json file
– A metadata xml file
– A logo.png file (optional)

You must use these naming conventions for the files included in the brand package, however, you may name the zip file whatever you’d like. Let’s go through these items one at a time as I create the Xbox brand package.

The metadata.xml file allows you to set the name of brand package that you see in Reporting Services, and has a reference entry for both your colors.json file and logo.png file (if applicable).

To change the name of your brand package, change the entry in the XML file title name. It looks like the following item in our sample file –

name=”Multicolored example brand”

which means I’m changing it to this in my new brand package


Next, to use a logo in your brand package, make sure to update the metadata.xml file to include a reference to a file called “logo.png” in the Contents section.

Example contents section without logo entry –

<Item key=”colors” path=”colors.json” />
< /Contents>

That’s what my base brand package looks like right now. Since I want to use a logo in mine, I’m going to change it to look like this –

<Item key=”colors” path=”colors.json” />
<Item key=”logo” path=”logo.png” />
< /Contents>

Now let’s move onto the biggest part of any brand package – the colors.json file.

Almost all the work you need to do for your brand package will happen in this file. When the brand package is uploaded, the server extracts the appropriate name/value pairs from the colors.json file and merges them with a master LESS stylesheet, brand.less. This LESS file is then processed and the resulting CSS file is served to the client. All colors in the stylesheet follow the six-digit hexadecimal representation of a color.

The file for RS has two main categories under which items are grouped –

– Interface, which includes items that are specific to the new Reporting Services portal.
– Theme, which includes items are specific to Mobile Reports you create. Starting with RC2, if you’re using the latest version of the Mobile Report Publisher, when you connect to report server for the first time with the Publisher, a copy of the theme will persist locally with the Publisher and you can use for it any mobile reports you create and publish. An Xbox themed mobile report looks like this, for example –

Now you’ll see why we gave you the sample brand package we did. Go ahead and load that your server now. To do so, you must be an admin in the portal, and you’ll need to follow these steps –

1. Go to Site Settings from the site menu

2. Select the Branding menu

3. Upload the sample brand package zip file title “Multicolored example brand” that you (hopefully) downloaded earlier. Your portal should now look like the following –

GAH! That looks awful, doesn’t it? Well, it’s supposed to. The brand package uses unique colors to make it easy to see which option in the colors.json file maps to each element in the web portal. So let’s look at our file again. The first section of the interface has the following items:


You can use a number of sites to translate these hex codes, but I prefer color-hex.com. So let’s copy the first color into the translator – it looks like the red color I see above in the button background. I’ll try replacing it with a green color “#7cbb00” and re-upload my brand package to see what that looks like.

Hey, not bad. But if I roll my mouse over the button, look what happens

Report builder 2017 download

I bet that’s the primaryAlt color. Let’s try changing that to the following “#f65314”

So each section of the interface (primary, secondary, etc.) corresponds to a different part of the portal screen. In general terms, that breaks down to the following items under the interface section –

Primary Section – button colors, hover colors
Secondary Section – title bar color, search bar, the left-hand menu (when present), and text color for those items
Neutral Primary – Home background, Reports Area background
Neutral Secondary – Text Box background, Folder Options background, Settings Menu
Neutral Tertiary – Site Settings backgrounds
Danger/Warning/Success Messages
KPI colors (Good – Green, Bad – Red, Neutral – Orange, None – Black)

Couple suggestions for you –

Sql Server 2016 Reporting Services Download Pc

– You are probably going to do a lot of experimenting the first time you create a brand package to see what works and was doesn’t. To save time, you don’t need to remove the existing brand package you’ve uploaded before you make a change. Each time you upload a new file, it will simply overwrite the existing one, so you can iterate more quickly.

– While the sample file I provided has every major item with a different color, you might find it easier to manage a much smaller number (three or four), along with white and black. This made it easier for me to get started and create new ones.

When it comes to the theme for your mobile reports, most of the information you need for that section is visible in the Mobile Report Publisher theme dropdown –

The background color is represented on each theme, along with the data points (the twelve colors lined up at the bottom), with the options for good, bad, and neutral normally being green, red and yellow respectively. The other items called out in the brand package, like accent colors, map colors, panel backgrounds, etc. should be readily understood by anyone who’s used the Mobile Report Publisher (or the Datazen Publisher) before.

Almost done now – just need to add my logo to the brand package.

If you include a logo with your brand package, it will appear in the reporting portal in place of the Name you set for the portal in the Site Settings menu. You can’t use a title and a logo simultaneously in the portal.

Without logo in brand package –

With logo in brand package –

Reporting Services Tutorial

The file you include for a logo must use the .png file format. The file dimensions will be automatically adjusted once uploaded to the server, so you don’t have to save it as a certain size for it to work.

You now have everything you need to get started creating your own brand packages for Reporting Services. We’re excited to see what you come up with, and we’ll be keeping on eye out on Twitter for screenshots of what you create! As always, please give us feedback around what you like/don’t like in the product so we’re always meeting your needs. Have fun!

Ssrs Report Builder

  • Download SQL Server 2016
  • Download Mobile Report Publisher
  • Check out the preview documentation: What’s new in Reporting Services (SQL Server 2016)
  • Post in the Reporting Services forum (or if you prefer, send us an email)
  • Join the conversation on Twitter: @SQLServerBI, #SSRS