Unreal Tournament 2004 Linux Download

Unreal Tournament 2004 Patch v3369 [Linux] This is a version 3369 patch for Unreal Tournament 2004 that fixes tons of different issues. See more information for notes on this patch. Unreal Tournament 2004 UT2004. This is an overview of the server configuration settings for UT2004. If the client does not have one of these packages, the client will attempt to download it from the server. If a download is unsuccessful, the client will be unable to connect to the server. Only used for Linux servers.

This is the followup of my success story:
UT will run in linux! Two ways: wine or native
Under wine:
-20031212 is the one that i've had the most success with so far, however i could not get sound working (if anyone knows how to get sound working under wine, please let me know)
-anyway, do the usual ./tools/wineinstall
-edit ~/.wine/config, changing the line that talks about what windows version to emulate to win98 (you may just have to uncomment this line)
-make sure you have enough hdd (about 600 megs)
-mount your ut cdrom (i had to do it in either a drive with scsi emulation or one labeled as ide-cd for 2.6 kernels; otherwise, wine said something about truncated files) using mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom (or whatever device it is)
-cd into your mounted cd-drive, and do wine Setup.exe, watch, be amazed, and click install (i installed all the options except the netgames online thing)
-from here, i chose not to run ut, but you can if you want (it makes not difference)
-since i had the installer install into the default directory, ut will run by doing cd ~/c/UnrealTournament/System, then doing wine UnrealTournament.exe
-a 3d devices chooser will come up, make sure you choose the software renderer! (because it is a software renderer, you may not need 3d drivers)
-select to run ut and there you have it!
*the main oddity with ut under wine, except for sound, is the inability to keep resolutions correct
to solve this, i edited my ~/c/UnrealTournament/System/UnrealTournament.ini, changing the lines about screen resoultions (all four of them, each with lines about horizontal and vertical resolution, so 8 lines) to 1024 and 786
now ut should look just fine
**note: if you accidentally choose direct3d instead of software, do not worry, ut will probably just start and hang; after this happens exit the terminal window and if X looks really messed up, logout and log back in; rerun ut and it will bring up a menu about ut's inability to start; elect to change video drivers
***also, you don't need the cd after install
****Does online play work under wine? info greatly appreciated
Now for those who want the native Unreal Tournament install
just to let you know, it is likely that you will come upon stumbling blocks, but don't give up! my first main stumbling block was that the installer just decided to die randomly and my cd drive would slow down and halt for some reason, but that just could be me
-anyway, first thing is first, download ut-install-436.run either by searching the web or from here: http://angelfire.lycos.com/ny3/mitec...nstall-436.run (you may have to right-click and choose save target as); *note: there is a goty installer for those of you with the 2-disc version of ut, search on the web, it should be able to follow the instructions here, but you will have to mount and unmount your cd's to change (personally, i didn't care about my second cd, i actually couldn't find it, so even if you have the goty edition, you can use the normal installer)
-make sure you have 3d support, 3d drivers installed (like nvidia drivers for nvidia cards)
-check that you have sufficient hdd space, about 600 megs (the installer will probably say 480 megs, but you will be having to decompress things later)
-now, become root with su, and do chmod 777 /usr/local/bin and chmod 777 /usr/local/games (yes, most people will go !!!!, but don't worry, nothing bad will happen and it can the permissions can change later); then, do exit to get out of root (the main reason for changing permissions is to avoid oddities that would happen later on if the game was installed as root)
-mount your ut cdrom with mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom (or whatever device and folder), do ./ut-install-436.run (in the directory it is located), a graphical installer will come up, and hit begin install (at this point, you should watch the installer to make sure it doesn't fail; if it does, unmount your cd and remount it, and try again)
-after the installer is done, it will tell you to just run ut, but we need to decompress the maps first, otherwise you will get segmentation fault errors
-ut should have been installed to /usr/local/games/ut, so what i recommend doing is opening up a terminal or window browser like nautilus, and going into /usr/local/games/ut/Maps (if in terminal, do dir or ls when in this directory), so you can see all those map files (they should end in .uz)
-all the files that end in .uz are compressed, the ut will not be able to read these; you need to one by one decompress the maps (i was not able to find a shortcut, but the tediousness of the task is worth it); in a terminal, type ucc decompress /usr/local/games/ut/Maps/Mapname.unr.uz (each time you do this, you should see stage 1, stage 2, etc followed by a message about decompressed Mapname.unr.uz --> Mapname.unr *note: you can press up on your keyboard to show your last entry in the terminal; this way, you don't have to type /usr/local/games/ut/Maps all the time; also, use the autocomplete feature by typing just part of the filename and then pressing TAB
-now, rename the folder Maps to Maps2, and make a new folder called Maps in the ut game directory
-all of those decompressed maps are in your ~/.loki/ut/System directory; i just recommend opening up two window browsers, one for the ut Maps dir (should be empty) and one for the decompressed Maps dir; just move the ones in the .loki dir to the empty directory; you can also move the maps in Maps2 that did not end in .uz to the Maps directory
-change the permissions of /usr/local/bin back to its original (as root, su) with chmod 755 /usr/local/bin, and for me, i left /usr/local/games/ut with 777 permissions, you can change /usr/local/games back to 755 if you want, but games/ut will need to remain 777
-finally, sit back, relax, open a terminal and type ut, hit enter, wait a bit as a bunch of stuff appears in the terminal window, and watch ut with full color and sound appear... you now have Unreal Tournament working natively under linux!
*note: you don't need your cd anymore
**i have not tested online play, if someone could try that out, it would be greatly appreciated (i can't use aol on linux...)
***Have Fun!
Posted by5 months ago

Unreal Tournament 2004 had native Linux binaries and the servers are still up! (Link on how to play ONS-Torlan and CTF-FaceClassic for free via demo included in post)

Unreal Tournament 2k4

I did not know this, but Unreal Tournament 2004 had native Linux binaries?! It works great on my (a little bit older) Laptop with Lubuntu.

The best thing: the servers are still up and people are playing!

You can download the demo including ONS-Torlan and CTF-FaceClassic at https://www.moddb.com/games/unreal-tournament-2004/downloads/ut2004-demo-v3334-for-linux/

I followed the installation instructions from the comment at the bottom:

Unreal Tournament 2004 Demo Download

Unreal tournament anthology
  1. Run gunzip UT2004-LNX-Demo3334.run.gz to unzip.

  2. Then run sudo sh UT2004-LNX-Demo3334.run to install. You should be fine pressing ENTER on every question to select the default settings.

  3. There is a start menu entry for the game which you can click to start it. Or (if you didn't change the installation target directory) you can run it with sh /usr/local/games/ut2004demo/ut2004-demo.

In case of no sound with error open /dev/[sound/]dsp: No such file or directory you can install sudo apt-get install oss-compat and load the module sudo modprobe snd-pcm-oss.

Unreal Tournament 2004 Linux Download Torrent

Have fun! :-)

Unreal Tournament 2004 Linux Download Windows 7

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